Simplify By Division

last modified: March 10, 2006

When we try to understand complex things such as a ProgrammingLanguage or an automobile, washing machine, or some other such thing, it helps if we start by simplifying. We initially know little or nothing more than what something is called. To become proficient in any discipline, we must take steps to improve our understanding.

We can begin this in any number of ways, the simplest being to divide the subject or the information into small understandable segments, or go to a source which presents the information using this technique. What programmer or author has not first tried a new programming language by utilizing the input and output operations of the language by writing a simple "HelloWorld" routine.

Mathematicians use this technique in solving equations; mechanics repair autos using this method in diagnostics. Good programmers have learned the value of DivideAndConquer in their process of CodeBuilding.

-- DonaldNoyes

Roadmap for SimplifyByDivision:

