Shannon Farm

last modified: July 14, 1998

(Author's note: MichaelHill does not speak for ShannonFarm in any official capacity. YMMV in a big way.)

Shannon Farm is an 'intentional community' based in central Virginia.

Shannon's about 25 years old. It owns 500-odd acres of land, the usage of which is controlled by consensus amongst the 60-70 members.

Though by mainstream standards we would likely seem a little strange, by hippie community standards we're regarded as quite conservative, occasionally being referred to by fellow communitarians as 'the suburban community'.

At this point, several of us are considering the creation of a wiki-like environment dedicated to our group. It's a talkative community, yet we find ourselves frustrated that we have no forum that is generally accessible for deeper or longer-term discussion of issues. A wiki clone would be an attempt to create such a forum. -- MichaelHill
