Set Oriented Programming

last modified: July 26, 2007

Programming with sets. The most well known candidate is SetlLanguage.

This style of programming follows scientific (especially mathematical) reasoning and exposition most closely. Problems are declaratively described as propositions about sets (SetTheory). The constraint-solver then infers all solutions fulfilling a given set of goals.

For a specific language (log) see

Related to (or a special case of) ConstraintLogicProgramming or LogicProgramming.


The basic operations of a SetBasedLanguage are:

Related to TableOrientedProgramming.

The difference to TableOrientedProgramming is one of focus:

AnswerMe: does PrologLanguage fit this paradigm?

No, but some extensions do (see link above). You could relax the condition somewhat and say lists are really ordered sets only (in which case LispLanguage jumps into the boat too), but then you lose too much semantic precision, I guess.

See also: ProgrammingParadigm, SetsVersusTypes, SetsAndPolymorphism, SetlLanguage, SetTheory, RelationalAlgebra
