Self Programming Wiki

last modified: May 17, 2012

A specialized WikiWithProgrammableContent, in which the actual source code of the WikiEngine is editable through the wiki. Same idea as expressed on the page SoftWiki.

There is a Perl implementation at

Right now it is running off a personal computer, but perhaps it will move to sourceforge, a more reliable server.

I am thinking of changing the name of my system from SelfProgrammingWiki to either CommunityProgrammedWiki or ReprogrammableWiki.

Advice? Which one of the choices is clearest? Any other suggestions?

Thanks, BayleShanks

That there seems to be a 4 day veto period before changes take effect is a bit de-motivating for adding anything. Couldn't there be another interpretive layer that allows programs to be uploaded and run right away? These 2nd layer programs would not affect the functioning of the wiki but just allow users to add and use each others objects. They would be restricted for security as far as possible but would allow some uploadable dynamic content. Perhaps this 2nd language could be scheme or prolog see also ReflectiveWiki

Do you know the pages ProgrammingInWiki and WikiIde?

-- MirkoBlueming

This is an example of a WikiWithMoreThanPages
