Seaside Web Application Framework
A ModalWebFramework that implements WebTransactionsWithContinuations, written in SmalltalkLanguage. Originally inspired by WebObjects and the work of PaulGraham for the YahooStore, it:
- is written in SmalltalkLanguage (originally SqueakSmalltalk)
- optionally uses CallWithCurrentContinuation to provide very sophisticated control flow and backtracking support.
Applications built with it include DabbleDb, a spreadsheet-like database, and PierCms, a wiki and web ContentManagementSystem.
Reading others' code is also a learning activity, since all source code in SeasideFramework is available.
Canadian Smalltalkers AviBryant and JulianFitzell created Seaside in 2001. Community leaders include LukasRenggli , PhilippeMarschall, and MichelBany. Version 2.8 was released in 2007, and as of 2009, development of version 3.0 continues under PharoSmalltalk, with ports to other Smalltalks.
Areas I have found useful in my pursuit of WebAppCreationNirvana: (13 or more sections). As you can see, its written in .cz, but I've learned that when you adapt to the various Smalltalk idioms, the program becomes the documentation.
How does this compare to RubyOnRails?
Rails is a full web development stack. Seaside doesn't provide data-access mechanisms out of the box, even though Magma (a pure Smalltalk object database for Squeak) seems to be a popular combination. I don't think it would be possible to create sites like DabbleDb in an agile manner using anything but a ModalWebFramework.
There is a port of an early version of Seaside 2 to Ruby, the BorgesFramework (
There was a colloquium on Seaside at PortlandStateUniversity on February 20, 2006. Presented by AviBryant of Smallthought Systems.