Scott Chastain

last modified: June 28, 2005

Welcome to Wiki. Care to tell us a little about yourself?

Sorry for the slow response. My home IP has not had the edit code word for about a week and I have been off work. In general I do not like to edit at work so I will keep my response brief.

I have a Ph.D in Mathematics. I have worked as a C++ programmer and project manager for C++ programmers. Currently I work as an economist ( DomainKnowledge expert ).

I am a RecentChangesJunkie and express an impulse to improve and contribute by acting as a WikiGnome. I hope my edits are not noise to people.

July 28th - Once again my Comcast cable IP address seems to be in a range which does not receive the EditCodeWord. I briefly had the edit rights in June and early July. I can of course edit at work but I don't like to do anything but simple WikiGnome edits at work because I assume my internet communication is logged. - ScottChastain

