Science It Or Zen It

last modified: August 17, 2005

Problem: You need support for an idea, belief, practice, or principle.

Context: Your idea has no empirical or experiential support. Your idea is being challenged.

Solution: Couch your idea in terms of either (Western) science or (Eastern) Zen.

Resulting Context: If you science your idea, you give it an aura of precision and objectivity; there is no ambiguity or effective counter-argument. If you Zen your idea, you give it an aura of trans-rational enlightenment; those who fail to join the dance simply cannot hear the cosmic music, and their natures will be revealed in time.

Known Uses: "Computer Science." ZenAndTheArtOfMotorcycleMaintenance, WikiNature, EvolvingSystems.

Related Pattern: WhenInDoubtTaoIt ScienceItAndZenIt.

See Also: ThetansAndFnords

