San Diego

last modified: December 17, 2004

Home of XpSanDiego, and of , and of

Sprawling, vapid AutomobileMetropolis of faux-Mediterranean beige stucco bungalows. (

Newer developments in SD resemble the activities of bees, but in beach suburbs you won't see two houses alike, nor anything faux-med. I'd rate the proportion of individual dwellings to DroneIncubationChambers to be about the same as any modern city. As to the roads ... having lived thirty years with Sydney's concrete-shrouded surface road nightmare, SD's arterial system surrounded by rolling natural mesas is a delight.

SD has something you won't see in any other city. Wide open space. The city is riddled with steep-sided canyons, none of them suitable for development, with the result that from any freeway, and almost any suburb, you're surrounded with natural vistas. It's a city for people who want breathing room, more a gaggle of small towns and villages than an interconnected hive.

Nor is the space merely internal. A continuous strip of pristine beaches runs a couple of miles west of one of its two main freeways, and empty granite hills border the other in a seamless wall to the east. Beyond that lie thousands of square miles of high desert. Due also to the climate, San Diegans, more than any US city folk, avoid cocooning. They're involved instead in communities and outdoor activities. With such a marvellous space, it doesn't much matter that pod-people build most of the new homes. -- PeterMerel, 5 years before moving to the LimpinwoodTeahouse ...

And the state-of-the-art transportation infrastructure ranks right up there with Curitaba Brazil! -- PCP

Hey, freeways are transportation infrastructure too, ya know ...

SanDiego's three contributions to American culture: the Jack-in-the-Box restaurant chain, surfer slang, and Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

But, we had this killer laser, from the UnionBank building in University Towne Centre, during the early '90's... 20-watt argon, several mirrors. . . well it was cool - but then I'm hot4lasers!!!


ChrisGarrod lives and works in SanDiego. Anyone else at this wiki in SD?

Well, there's PeterMerel, BillKelly, & PhlIp there

DavidAndersen, a nativeSanDiegan, works at a beautiful location not more than 50 steps from the beach at the corner of Mission Blvd and Grand writing ASP code. StayExtreme.

SD has something you won't see in any other city: wide open space. The city is riddled with steep-sided canyons, none of them suitable for development.

Uh, are these canyons seismic in nature, by any chance? I think I'd find CA more attractive if it didn't include the possibility of falling into the ocean. -- MikeSmith

Sure they're seismic, but very inactive. Worst SD experienced in modern times was a Richter 5.6 in Oceanside in '86. We get around about a 6.0 about every fifty years. The big San Andreas fault is over 120 miles east of here, so it's pretty safe for a Californian city.

And maybe much safer than the east coast. Check out if you're not already feeling paranoid enough ...

