Computing is all about Rules of order
To write a single line of code, one must follow the Rules:
- To compile or interpret a segment of code, one must folow the RulesOfCompilation or RulesOfInterpretation.
- To execute a program or sub-program, one must follow a set procedure with appropriate arguments and components.
- A call, A batch command or make, a shortcut, or other StructuredSystematicSubmittal.
- To prepare and complete a program with many parts, one must follow the RulesOfCoordination and RulesOfSequencing.
- Many other rules with regard to what is appropriate and/or functional and what is unacceptable and/or dysfunctonal,
- not only exist, but must be followed with rigor.
One can rarely be successful in the craft without following the rules. Programmers are by nature rules followers, and particularly because of this, often are found to be somewhat contrarian in their approaches to others, reclusive, and mildly anti-social in their realization that they are LivingInaRealWorld.
Other RulesOfOrder
- Roberts Rules of order
- Recognized guide to running meetings and conferences effectively and fairly
- Wiki Rules of order