Ruby Go

last modified: April 4, 2006

RubyGo is a program that allows you to play the GameOfGo with other players over the Internet by connecting to an Internet Go Server (IGS).

For reading and writing to games locally, RubyGo is fully compatible with the SGF (FF[4]) standard and provides a complete editting tool for these files.

RubyGo is written in RubyLanguage, a very nice object-oriented scripting language, and easy to learn.

RubyGo is now part of the Improving Go Servers Consortium which defines a protocol to add a set of features to the original IGS protocol. See the official IGSCP home page.

You just have to unpack the RubyGo archive anywhere. There is no installation process, although of course you need Ruby as well. RubyGo is now updated to work with Ruby 1.8

RubyGo is available from:

