The RTP SPIN is a group of people interested in software process improvement in the Research Triangle Park, NC ( area. The group's home page is
SPINs (Software Process Improvement Networks) are traditionally aligned with the SoftwareEngineeringInstitute (see, but this is less true of the RtpSpin than most. They have featured a number of presentations on agile methods in their monthly meetings over the past few years. The list of presenters includes TomRooker, BobGalen, AldoDagnino, KenAuer, AndrewHunt, CarlaMerrill, and LaurieWilliams. See
-- KarenSmiley, August 15, 2003
posted 8/10/07 - Since I don't see any other activity on this site, I wasn't sure if this would be of interest to readers in RTP:
Sorry, job postings are not consistent with the RTP SPIN group's philosophy or the purpose of this page, so on behalf of the Council I've deleted it (the position wasn't even software process improvement related).
-- KarenSmiley, August 10, 2007