Okay, this may seem a little OffTopic but really there's not anyone in PeopleProjectsAndPatterns that hasn't at one time or another found this to be one of the InterestingQuestions.
What does http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42cEDG66q_8 mean???
- It's a Taoist lesson. Rocky and Bullwinkle symbolize the wheel of life. Tribulation and defeat are illusions. Not sure whether nirvana fits into this anywhere.
- Hrm. R&B are running up a mountain in a storm. The mountain is struck by lightning and everything appears in the negative. In fact so negative that the sky becomes the ground and the ground the sky. R&B fall up into the ground, at first without corporeal form, then becoming more and more coherent as they rise through the earth. They come up on the other side like daisies under a shining, smiling sun. Where in this do you find the wheel of life (more buddhist than taoist? ...) or nirvana? And what does this sequence specifically have to do with the DramaticIdentity(s) of RockyAndBullwinkle?