Robert Orenstein

last modified: March 9, 2004

I'm the Webmaster at Perforce Software. I presented a pattern language for HTML way way back at PLoP '95. I haven't posted here for a while, but I'm hoping to get some information (or start a discussion) about WikiReplacingMailingLists. -- RobertOrenstein

Has anyone at Perforce considered using wiki as a collaborative development tool? I was wondering just the other day how much work it would take to have something like MoinMoin use Perforce for version control. Difficult to say how useful this would be until you try it of course. -- ChrisSteinbach

We're just starting to play with wikis. So far, there are four of us using it, and we'll widen the audience shortly. The main obstacle is getting people to buy into it, and I don't think this'll happen until our wiki supports Email Notification. Supposedly, that's in the works... -- RobertOrenstein

(stuff from 1995 below. You can ignore it all unless you're interested in ancient history. ;)


If you're reading this and I met you at PLoP, please leave a note for me here!

I got here thanks to Robert. Let's talk about creating a PatternLanguageForTheWeb. -- RonaldHayden

A note three years later, after talking with RonaldHayden (above) -

OK, one item doesn't a bulleted list make. Still...

