RecentChangesCamp Montreal, 18-20 May 2007. The name "Rococo" is a French word, since Montreal is a bilingual city.
RoCoCo is a non-recursive acronym, for "Rencontres sur la Collaboration, la Créativité et l'Autogestion" (Meetings on Collaboration, Creativity and SelfManagment.) As with the Recent Changes Camps in Portland, OR in 2006 and 2007, the meeting will be organised following the Open space technology that means a collaborative building of the agenda. Wikis will stay the key topic of the meeting, but we will give space to wireless community and to people who, in general, are interested by collaboration, creativity and selfmanagement. In an Open Space format, every body can organise. now redirected at Attendees from WikiWiki in 2007:
- MarkDilley
- EugeneEricKim
- EarleMartin
- BrandonCsSanders
- AnneGoldenberg
RoCoCoCamp Videos
RoCoCoCamp will use YouTube to share videos --
- Welcome --
Portland RoCoCoCamp videos: