Reserve The Right To Be Wrong

last modified: November 23, 2005

So long as you accept the responsibility to learn from your mistakes.

PromiseSparingly, then you will have less use for the ReserveTheRightToBeWrong defense.

Testimony: The best thing about Wiki by far, for me, is to get my mistakes explained to me by people far cleverer and more experienced than am I. And for free! Thanks folks.

Corollary: Never waste words saying that you think you might be wrong on Wiki. Be wrong and be definite about it. You will be corrected. Equally definitely. (See BeWrongVisibly)

Caveat: The correction should never be intended or construed personally.

One should probably be careful with this. Being wrong visibly gets you corrected if there are lots of people who know what they are talking about. If you make an assertion about something where that is not likely the case, though, shouldn't you qualify it if you aren't sure? Otherwise it might get left looking to be a fact, when it shouldn't be.

Some statements are easier to disprove than others. If one says 'there is no JDK for Linux' this might get corrected with a link to or the respective page on On the other hand if somebody claims that AbrahamLincoln said 'The man who thinks he can plan for only one year ahead is a fool', who will stand up and object to this fictitious quote?

CaptainKirk's middle name is Terry. --NickBensema

I am such a loser for knowing this. It is Tiberius. Named after the Roman Emperor. Sigh...

