For VbClassic see RefactoringInVbClassic.
VisualBasicDotNet does (or should?) have better support for refactoring.
How much of this applies to VBA (VisualBasicForApplications)?
- VisualStudio has extremely limited tooling for refactoring VisualBasicDotNet programs.
- "Refactor! for Visual Basic" supports refactoring in VisualBasicDotNet
- Most features of JetBrains' ReSharper product are available in VisualBasic (IE: not limited to C#)
DanijelArsenovski on RefactoringInVisualBasic:
- He wrote the book on it: "Professional Refactoring in Visual Basic" by DanijelArsenovski ISBN: 0470179791
- Blog: "Fluid Code", "A blog about refactoring, .Net and all things agile" -
- Old Blog: "Fluid Code", "A blog about refactoring, VB and all things agile" -
- "Moving up the technology stack: VB6 migration reality check" article in VSj (1-Oct-2008) -
- "VB’s Statically Typed Wrapper for Dynamic Code" article on CodeProject (23-Apr-2008) -
- "Refactoring – the elixir of youth for legacy VB code" article in IT Architect (6-Dec-2004) -