Reduce Hidden Scope

last modified: February 17, 2003

To go as fast as possible now, we must do as little as possible now. To go as fast as possible later, we must PrepareTheWay now. How do we balance these needs?

Look for parts of your process that aren't paying their way.

These may be the signs that you are doing too much of one thing, in favor of too little of another.

If, amid it all, you aren't adding functionality fast enough, consider whether perhaps you are doing too many other things that are getting in the way of the code:

And one more: are you writing classes and methods in expectation of future use? Consider whether you would be getting more done by focusing on what you do need, not what you will or may need. -- RonJeffries

To address the "Integration is Hell" problem, on my current project (see the GemStone page), we've taken the high road: Once a week, every week, on Monday morning we:

The time spent up-front on these tasks has more than paid for itself as we approach our deliverable.

Also, we always have a functioning build that can be packaged at a moments notice (for a surprise demo, for example) that is at most one week old. -- AnthonyLander

Anthony - that's a solid approach. Also see FrequentReleases for how the C3 project (developed in VisualWorks and production in GemStone) addresses this same issue. In a nutshell: we make our current config functional all the time! -- RonJeffries

But only from a UnitTest perspective, not from a system test perspective. We have sanity tested builds each night.

It just dawned on me that TooMuchToDo is really addressed by three strategies, one of which I haven't seen discussed here :

See also YouArentGonnaNeedIt
