Recently Changed Discussion

last modified: March 7, 2008

As an extension of the class of pages indicating RecentChanges, which would be a Filtered JournalOfPosts. It would be constructed as an externally maintained process to produce a list of pages one might be interested in on any of a number of subjects on any of a number of open wikis. It would contain a maintained set of pages in a list composed from the PageChangeJournal (RecentChanges, or Changes, or whatever the site chooses to call the list of pages it decides to report as having been created, modified, or deleted). The process performed on that list, and the history of that list, would in effect be a filter to exclude the noise caused by disruptive behavior of agents and people in making such changes. It would not effect the manner and type of presentation the WikiAdministrator has decided to make available as a list. It would look at the list at intervals such as the WikiAdministrator allows for Gets for what it determines as acceptable. The filtering done would not result in additive information. (Meaning it would contain less, not more information than is provided by the JournalOfPosts, and would point to it. The only thing it might add would be persistence of information, in that it would not be subject to malicious removal, as some Journals allow, whether by becoming target of people or automatic agents.

First Proposal:

Two separate pages regarding changes could be maintained, one for posters, and the other for pages. Clicking on this page will take one to the detail page, rather than the page itself. From the detail page, one could then navigate to the page desired, since the detail page might have several pages that are interesting.

PagesPostedBy (These would be hyperlinks to page detail for pages posted by the poster whose address is designated by it) | | | | | | | | | | | | |


AboutAtheism AboutCompostorium AlignmentGoalsAndZeroGoals AppliedCs (deleted) AutoPcnLinks MessageQueuingArchitectures AutoPcnResults BlocksInManyLanguages DonaldNoyes WhyDoesMyUserNameDisappear DavidHopwood UserNameDiscussion UserName MoreAboutMechanics FutureOfProgrammingLanguages RecentChanges RecentVisitors RecentlyChanged RightToBareArms StarTrekHasJumpedTheShark StridingAcrossSteppingStones SuggestiveHypnosis UnificationChurch WelcomeVisitors WhyWikiWorks WikiGettingStartedFaq WikiSpamSolutions

PageDetail (When you click on a page a detail page appears for it and other pages posted by the same poster)

(illustrated for DonaldNoyes or being clicked for detail)

Posted by          DonaldNoyes:
Page Name          ChangeDateAndTime  ChangeType    PreviousChange
DonaldNoyes        200501260517       MinorAddition 200501252237
RecentlyChanged    200501260515       OriginalPost  200501252308

To reduce the problem caused by Spammers, the pages would only be updated for pages changed 10 minutes or more before. During that time, the changed pages would be referred to an automatic de-spamming process. The process would be activated by any action which caused the ChangeType to be classified SpamContent, BotChange, or ChangeFrozen. Those interested in instantaneous changes could use other provided change pages, such as RecentChanges, NewRecentChanges QuickChanges and the like, but those interested in collaborating and communicating using a change recording mechanism reflecting that of peer reviewed content, could use this new RecentlyChanged provision.

Does this sound reasonable or could we compose a second iteration based on comments and constructions suggested here following:? -- DonaldNoyes

Discussion on FirstProposal(if any)

I understand and appreciate what you are attempting to do here, but one must take great care to make sure that a whole new group of problems will not be created and added to the current problems. Having access to all that a particular user does may not be the panacea that you envision, as it may backfire on you. For instance, let's say a malicious user decides that he/she does not like you, then they could very quickly stalk you and reverse every change you make so fast that there would not be any hope of ever combating it. Edit-wars could grow so profound that wiki would be strangled to death. Sometimes, less is more, and simple is best. I just want you to be aware of this and be sure you are ... taking this into consideration

These could be edited out of the presentation by classification. When a given page has been changed more than let us say 5 times in a given 24 hour period of time, the page classification could change to that of WarChanging, or FrozenPage and not then appearing in RecentlyChanged. It would still appear in the RecentChanges, NewRecentChanges and QuickChanges. It would not appear in the RecentlyChanged page, which would be the page where WikiZens would gravitate to collaborate, discuss sanely and otherwise carry about their business.

Stalking would be possible through the three former change pages and to argue that this method would add a means for such harassment is baseless. The page RecentlyChanged could be constructed based on a period of say 12 hours, and could be reset say at 12 noon and midnight. It would not then represent "all that a user might be doing". It would reflect what a particular URL was used for for the set period. (My address changes because of my provider several time during the day, thus unless the UserName feature is working ,(my machine presently works to identify my posts -> 20050126) one would have to do a little analysis before being able to know that the several different addresses were mine) But this is not the issue which this attempts to resolve. It is meant to bring together reasonable and rational users together based on a pattern of page changing which is non-hostile and rather collaborative.

What the page would be for is to provide a positive use facility for change monitoring which would reflect sanity, and responsibility. The use of the user name or Url feature would be used by Wikizens so disposed to cooperation and PositiveDialogue to find pages changed by a user one has found to have interests similar to ones own. They would also provide a way to identify pages changed by someone you have a high regard for and who has proven to be a valuable contributor within this wiki. Those who seem more interested negative use facilitation and in wars and heat would gravitate toward where such activities are instantly indicated, in particular RecentChanges and NewRecentChanges.

PersonalWatchList has an argument that less is more when it comes to RecentChanges.

Which perfectly describes what RecentlyChanged would be, SpamlessPages EditWarlessPages BotlessPages, UnaccountableLessPages -- DonaldNoyes

What describes that? PersonalWatchList and RecentlyChanged are quite different approaches. They both aim for spamless botless etc pages, but they take different strategies for achieving it.

Here is an Example of what the PagesChanged pageSegment would look like using a periodPageList:

Have you considered adding diffs links? A scheme for adding diffs and links can be added at the beginning of each line in the RecentlyChanged2005016.htm document.

See RecentlyChanged RecentChanges NewRecentChanges CrazyThingsThatMightSaveWiki

CategoryWikiMaintenance CategoryWikiProgress
