Recently Changed

last modified: August 1, 2014

This page will contain information about a process of notification which is being discussed on RecentlyChangedDiscussion about some method or methods by which the average, or new user can see a reduced and filtered set of pages which removes them from having to view the extraneous page changes which occur because of edit wars, Spam repairs, and other such things meant as corrections, or to be the result of failure of collaboration and or resulting in friendly disagreement. These sometimes make RecentChanges almost unusable by an average or occasional user and sometimes present a distorted view of what is normative.

It is a process which could bring a degree of order to the chaos which can occasionally exist in the presentation of page changes in an open wiki.

It is not intended to suggest that Recent Changes needs to be changed, as it presents what is going on, which is of value to the non-average user who watches it and uses it for WikiGnome work, and other such community watching and correcting of that content determined as not meeting the community standard of what is currently viewed as acceptable new content. RecentChanges (a WikiChangeJournal) should exist in an open wiki.

It is, however, intended to present a place, either within the wiki, or externally, where page change notification can occur about pages not currently in great flux.

This could be one of the CrazyThingsThatMightSaveWiki:

It is intended that no further change be made at this time to this page, instead make comments and suggestions at RecentlyChangedDiscussion.

When the discussion successfully concludes, this page will remain with RecentlyChangedDiscussion contents refactored.

CategoryWikiMaintenance CategoryWikiProgress
