Some notions and practices using WikiBatics ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110408.20110922
One may find it convenient, when deciding to read the pages for a certain date in RecentChanges, to archive them (using the browser and AdobeAcrobat) for later offline revue of the page, or a selected portion of the Page, as well as the pages listed within the part.
- This is possible on my computer by the following:
- highlight a selection on the page
- follow with a right click in the selection area to obtain a file dialogue allowing the naming of the archive pdf which will contain the pages
- then click on save, which will cause the construction of the archive
- A Few of the Advantages
- time to download - from 1/10th to 1/500th (or even shorter) of the time it would take to revue the page and its pages.
- the obvious advantage of having a copy complete with working links, to the pages, or from the pages to offline pages in the list, or to referrals to online pages linked to.
- the ability to add to the list in simple mouse click operations
- the ability to have locally, HistoricPages, ie pages as they appeared when the RecentChangePagesByDay was downloaded.
- the ability to have a copy of the pages in forms existing before a devestating destruction or malforming of them by a vandal, or overzealous refactorer
Other Kinds of Archives one might make using this method:
- Pdf Archives of a certain Categories List
- Pdf Archive of a Search Term Listing (Perhaps a topic, like ProgrammingLanguage))
- Pdf Archive of the Backlinks on a Wikizens Name (Pages on which his name appears)
- Pdf Archive of a page and the links on it and and the links on them, etc (becoming an archive on the topic of the original page, offline
- Pdf Archive of RandomPagesByDay (as part of participation in improving Wiki by Gnoming pages in the Archive daily or according to some personally arranged schedule. (Part of FixYourWiki)
A Onetime Example:
- downloaded the section including the page list for March 24, 2011 and each of the pages in the set in only 54 seconds - (21 pages, that's less than 3 seconds per page)
Done using WikiBatics.