Real Programming Language

last modified: June 2, 2008

NOT a language for a RealProgrammer.

A programming language that meets some minimum standard of practical usability for writing 'real-world' software. Examples: CeeLanguage, CeePlusPlus, CeeSharp, JavaLanguage, SmalltalkLanguage, CommonLisp, PythonLanguage, PerlLanguage, RubyLanguage, RpgLanguage, CobolLanguage, FortranLanguage.

Languages that aren't considered 'real' typically fall into one of these categories:

Another common meaning of the term "real programming language" is "the language I use", with the implied put-down that "only an idiot would fail to see its inherent superiority to that lame language that you use". See SeriousVersusScriptingLanguages, WhatsaPissingMatch .

More mature programmers realize no one ProgrammingLanguage currently in existence is the best for every one of TheManyTypesOfPrograms. But that doesn't stop the more idealistic of them from hoping that such a language might someday arrive. Some programmers even develop new, improved languages on their QuestForThePerfectLanguage. If that language ever does arive, one hopes that it will become the FirstTimeLanguage.

Mature programmers realize "the" best language to develop a particular application is often some combinations of languages: AlternateHardAndSoftLayers, SymbioticLanguages.

