Rdb Relation

last modified: October 23, 2010

An RdbRelation is a set of RdbTuples that all have the same RdbHeading. To be an RdbRelation, the order of the RdbTuples cannot matter, and every RdbTuple must be unique.

RdbRelation <==> table. Is this correct? Am I missing something here?

A relation is not a table. A relation is a value that a table -- or more accurately, a relation variable (RelVar for short) -- can have at a given point in time. An integer variable has a given integer value at a given point in time. Similarly, a relvar has a given relation value at a given point in time. Like this:

Variable category  Variable type                    Value example
-----------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------
Scalar             Integer                          3
Scalar             String                           'Dave'
Relvar             relation {x integer, y integer},  relation {tuple {x 1, y 2},, tuple {x 2, y 3},},

Therefore, the closest translation for "table" is to say relvar <==> table.

