This is a place to launch any of my patterns, beginning with WellFormedWorkPackages. I plan to structure it to capture the conceptual organization of the patterns. The main problem all the patterns address to one extent or another is the problem of LogisticDelay.
How we meet each day is very important to our psychological and spiritual well-being. I found this pattern from columnist Ann Landers to be very helpful - RulesToLiveBy. Programming is one of those things that is more an art than a science. The community is striving to create something called Software Engineering and that is quite commendable. One of the things which I find fascinating about software is that it is a part of reality in which Tolkien and Lewis's notion of man as a sub-creator is being acted out on a daily basis in a rich context of image and metaphor. For that reason I think the category of DesignMetaphors would be very interesting. Also see EightSystemMetaphors. On matters of trust, see my home page.
-- RaySchneider