Ghosts In Us

last modified: March 17, 2004

All of us, consciously or unconsciously, imitate those around us who we admire. You have all had the experience of discovering an activity that you do that is due to imitating your father or your mother. Often favorite teachers have influenced us and we strive to imitate them, acting like them, speaking like them, thinking like them. These patterns of behavior that we get from others are the ghosts in us and are a large part of how we become who we become. It only makes good sense to become conscious of this process and work on it. So by all means emulate your SaintsAndHeroes so that they become GhostsInUs. -- RaySchneider

Many of us also imitate those around us who we do not admire. Consider carefully, then, whose behaviour is similar to yours and ask if the comparison is flattering to you.

See also:

We in turn add to the mix to create our own blended personality, which others absorb. We then become a GhostInOthers.

People tend to adopt the traits of that which wins. Or is perceived to win. Careful, then, what behaviors you allow to win. This is complicated somewhat by WhatYouResistPersists, so outright resistance to unacceptable behavior may backfire.

