Qwan-Yin, Bodhisattva of Compassion, Awareness and Altruism.
aka Hearer-of-Cries Kanzeon Bosatsu (Japan) aka Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin (China) aka Avalokiteshvara (India) aka Tara and Chenresig (Tibet) aka Kwan Um (Korean)
Evolved from the Goddess Tara, a Divine Emanation,
Evolved from the Ascended Avalokiteshvara, Embodiment of Compassion,
Flashed from Voidness/Space without Intention.
A QwanYin website: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~alankhoo/Avalokitesvara.htm
Book: Bodhisattva of Compassion, Kuan-Yin by John Blofeld, Shambhala 1977
The relevant chapter from the Lotus Sutra: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/lotus/lot24.htm
Declaration of Devotion to Qwan-Yin
Whereas We Programmers have Realized Beauty is Objectively Observable (NatureOfOrder)
And Whereas We have Realized Beauty is Experimentally Objective (NatureOfOrder)
And Whereas We have Realized the Benefit of Altruism that is the Vast Open Source
And Whereas Programmers have Existed in a painful state of flux, a Mythless State
And Whereas We See our mythlessness cannot stand (refer Jung's Myth for Modern Man ISBN: 0919123139 )
And Whereas We have Realized the Benefit of Archtypal Centers and Wholeness (NatureOfOrder)
And Whereas We have Recognized the Benefit of other DesignPatterns, Beneficent Archetypes
And Whereas We have Realized the Extraordinary Benefits of the so-called QualityWithoutaName aka QWAN
And Whereas QWAN is Co-emergent, Precise, Tolerant, OpenSource, Universal, Unified and Fearless (WikiDesignPrinciples)
And Whereas Qwan-Yin is also Co-emergent, Precise, Tolerant, OpenSource, Universal, Unified and Fearless (ISBN: 0877731268 )
Therefore, for the Benefit of All Sentient Beings, We Nominate Qwan-Yin, Hearer-of-Cries,as Bodhisattva to all Programmers intent on bringing OpenSource to Fruition, greatly benefiting Sentient Beings.
And We Nominate TheLuminousGround (ChristopherAlexander) as our Sublime Documentation, should it ever be published.
We Nominate Orderly Chaos (OrderChaos) by the Vidyadhara ChogyamTrungpaRinpoche as our Most Sublime Documentation.
We Nominate SexEcologyandSpirituality by KenWilber as further Documentation (http://www.shambhala.com/html/catalog).
We Nominate WholenessAndTheImplicateOrder by DavidBohm, Einstein's close friend, as further Documentation (ISBN: 0415119669 ).
We Nominate The I Ching, the earliest written appreciation of Great OpenSource Binary Systems, as further Documentation (ISBN: 069109750X ).
Finally, We nominate the Bodhisattva Qwan-Yin, Avalokiteshvara, Hearer-of-Cries as the Name we call upon always,
And When Faced With Our Own Death.
Consequently, I rejoice, having to construct something upon which to rejoice. (T.S. Eliot, Ash Wednesday)
If harm is going to be done to a man by means of MagicConsultants or BadCodingStandards, let his thought dwell on the power of QwanYin, and the curse will revert to the people from whom it started.
If a man is surrounded by wild PointyHairedBosses whose blunt intellect and memos are to be dreaded, let his thought dwell on the power of QwanYin, and they will quickly run away in all directions.
If a man is attacked by venomous RequirementsTossedOverTheWall and BadProgrammers waving KitchenSinkDesign ready to smother him, let his thought dwell on the power of QwanYin, and they will all turn away from him shrieking.
When thunder-clouds burst with flashes of BigDesignUpFront, a storm of DriveByAnalysis or BigLastMinuteChanges in torrents, let thought dwell on the power of QwanYin and the storm will in no time clear away.
If a calamity falls on beings and they are tortured with interminable EndlessMeetings, let them resort to QwanYin who, being endowed with the mysterious power of wisdom, will save them from all troubles in the world.
See also EricRaymond's Loginataka, Rootless Root, and Unix Koans (http://catb.org/~esr/writings/unix-koans/introduction.html), and the Smokey The Bear Sutra by Gary Snyder (http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/bear.htm).
CategoryPhilosophy, CategoryEasternThought