A MashupMaker by IBM that makes it easy, almost trivial, to create 'mashups' that combine various other web services into something often greater than the individual parts. 'QED' stands for 'quick and easily done'. And it looks extremely promising. See the video:
Now called LotusMashups
Intro to QedWiki: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63qIq9t9Gqs
The task handled by QedWiki is a partial example of the potential power of a full-blown WikiIde - though QedWiki focuses upon what is equivalent to final project or service construction.
This looks like a Content Management System or CMS... I think they are using wiki as a marketing term. What exactly is a wiki? The definition has stretched so far...
What content is being managed?
Wikis are supposed to be simple.. (Says YOU??? I don't see "simple" in the WikiDesignPrinciples from the authority (if one can be said to exist).) wikipedia is already bloatware as it is. QEDwiki is not a wiki but a new invention all together. They are abusing the term "wiki" because it is a marketing phrase. That guy in the video has caffeinated hands and moves them way too much.
- "Mundane - A small number of (irregular) text conventions will provide access to the most useful page markup."
- Sounds an awful lot like Qed's conventions for hooking pieces together: a very small number of (irregular) mouse operations will provide access to the most useful page mashup.
- Qed is more than just a markup but an entire Emacs Operating system itself.
- That doesn't make it less a Wiki. And there isn't any reason a Wiki couldn't be the basis for an OperatingSystem, or at least a FileSystem. There have been a number of people interested in doing just that. Check out OsWiki, and even WikiIde would essentially qualify; almost all IDEs are micro operating systems, partially because LanguageIsAnOs and partially because the debugger needs to do things operating systems usually do.
See Also: ProgrammingInWiki, WikiIde