Put The Carbon Back

last modified: April 11, 2007

So TheBottleneck is about to KillAllHumans. Clearly there is only one way out of this, and that is to invent our way out of it. We must PutTheCarbonBack. I hereby challenge all WikiZens, and all geeks everywhere, with all our inventiveness and combativeness and esprit, to come together in the greatest and most important GrandOpenSourceProject of our time or perhaps any time. If we can't figure out a way to PutTheCarbonBack our collective gooses are all, without exception, quite literally cooked. -- PeterMerel

Hmm; someone needs to attend to the XpCourageValue here, no?

Um, recognizing that you're in the shit is not XpCourageValue? Challenging all who can to wake up and do something about it is not XpCourageValue? Trying to do something about it, now, that would definitely be XpCourageValue. Say ... how about a SolarGeneratorThatWorksAtNight?

To kick this off some hare-brained schemes:

Wouldn't all of this be more appropriate on TheAdjunct?

It obviously deserves a site of its own. Not to mention a catchier name and an adequate logo. C2 is traditionally the starting point of WikiGrowsByBudding, so best to kick it off here.

Lemme know if and when you want hosting for that site and I'll donate space on a box. That'll be my contribution to The Cause, even though (a) the situation may well be nowhere near as dire as some think; (b) natural selection will keep Gaia alive, even if us humans don't make the cut; and (c) as an OldFart with particularly self destructive habits, I'm unlikely to reach the 25 year mark mentioned on WhoCaresItsOurChildrensProblemAndYoungFolkAreAllBastardsAnyway. -- DaveVoorhis

I think I've got a logo stuck some place that would do. Catchy name? How about the defartifier? HaHaOnlySerious ...

Until then, perhaps we could PleaseMoveThisToTheAdjunct?

No, adjunct isn't in anyone's face enough to spawn a wiki.

I'd suggest making it a general HowTo wiki. So that a page called BringAboutTheRevolution would be understood as HowToBringAboutTheRevolution. HowToNeutralizeGlobalWarming is not a sufficiently large topic to justify an entire wiki.

Lemme get this straight. The oceans are becoming so acidic that the base of the whole global foodchain is about to give way ... and that's not worth a wiki?

Not particularly. How long will that single issue sustain a conversation? A couple of days? A week? A month? What then? You don't build a community from a single issue. A single approach, a single principle, fine. But not a single issue.

I don't think you get it. If we don't do something, now, very soon there won't be any other issues. Because there won't be any people. Nature will come back just fine - might take a few million years, more or less. But for us there simply are no other issues if we don't solve this. And we have no - zero - solutions at this time.

I'm not saying there should be no other GrandOpenSourceProjects. But this one has to come first. Its mission is simply to find a path - technological, sociological, ethical, political, financial, you name it - that humankind can follow to survive as a race. More than survive - we need a path on which we can prosper and evolve.

It seems there are very dark years ahead. Maybe only a few of us will survive to find this way. And you don't need to help. You can go fritter your time away on anything you like. There's no end of distractions to be had. Just get out of the way and don't worry your pretty head.

Plus, you'd get to absorb pages like RefactoringTheHumanBody which would be marked CategoryPlan and linked to HowToMakeHumansImmortal under CategoryGoal.

Transhumanism is all very well, and good luck on it, but really it couldn't be more completely irrelevant if your species is facing imminent extinction.

I don't think so.

Perhaps this crisis is but an application to humanity of DeleteWhenCooked.


CategoryGosp CategoryWikiSavesTheWorld
