When using VBUnit sometimes its a bit awkward creating suites that only run one fixture, or your suite takes a while to run and you only want to run one fixture, PutSmallFixtureInWithSuite --
If you add this class to your templates folder you can create a new test with just one file.
Start SmallTest.cls ---
Option Explicit
Implements ISuite
Implements IFixture
Private m_assert As IAssert
'Implement IFixtureFrame if you need to do complex initialization once for all tests
'Don't do anything expensive in Class_Initialize or Class_Terminate!
'Implements IFixtureFrame
Private Function ISuite_Suite() As ITest
Dim suite As New TestSuite
suite.SuiteName = TypeName(Me)
suite.AddFixture Me
Set ISuite_Suite = suite
End Function
'Setup and TearDown will be called before and after each test method
Private Sub IFixture_Setup(assert As IAssert)
Set m_assert = assert
m_assert.SetSeverity vbUnit_Assertion, vbunit_Suite
End Sub
Private Sub IFixture_TearDown()
End Sub
Public Sub TestPlusWorks()
m_assert.LongsEqual 6, 2+3, "Check Addition works"
End Sub
End SmallTest.cls ---