PTT is an acronym for a number of related longer forms and one of the most common one is Postal, Telegraph and Telephone. Telegraph as a communication media has withered whereas the Post (and Telephony) business are still thriving, even in a highly deregulated western world (Europe included). The three services are initially all run within the same charter, but nowadays postal services are often separated managed by governments of the land.
PttAuthorities refer to a loosely coordinated group of PTT authorities around the world, most of them still are regulated and governed by multilateral international treaties.
In terms of history, these all started with the 1865 formation of the InternationalTelecommunicationUnion. Today it is a specialized agency (ITU) within United Nations. Information from WikiPedia.
Besides international telecommunication treaties, PttAuthorities oversee spectrum usage (in US FCC is the PTT authority, in UK it is Ofcom, and EU body is called "Radio Spectrum Committee"), use of satellite and broadcasting technologies, what are rights and responsibilities of the owners of the land based cable/fibre infrastructure, etc.
Communication spectrum related info
from "What shall we do with 2.6GHz?" at
2.6GHz band is the portion reserved for ThirdGeneration expansion (IMT-2000) which has not materialized. It is a much sought after spectrum as it can penetrate buildings (hope we don't get more cancers), and is being sought after for WiMax type applications.
Fixed wireless spectrum costs orders of magnitude lower than mobile counterparts.
I am not particularly proud of this Wiki Name (better than the previously used PtTs), any proposed alternatives that can be readily used by other wiki pages are most welcomed.
See also MorseCode