Programming Ruby

last modified: March 25, 2006

Programming Ruby: A Pragmatic Programmers Guide by AndrewHunt, ChadFowler, and DavidThomas (ISBN: 0974514055 )

Also known as the PickAxeBook because of the pickaxe on the cover.

The first edition of the book (for RubyLanguage 1.6) is available online as OpenContent at Also with frames navigation at and

Interestingly, if you check the Amazon page for the first edition (ISBN: 0-201-71089-7 ), you will find (in addition to 3 reviews -- all five star, and KentBeck's glowing back cover review) that buyers of the book also bought:

Something about great minds...?? -- JimRussell

See also ThePragmaticProgrammer

CategoryRuby CategoryBook CategoryOnlineBook
