Private Versioning

last modified: October 10, 2010

PrivateVersioning is a pattern in the ScmPatternLanguage. A summary is: Use Private Versioning to allow you to experiment with complex changes locally, yet still be able to take advantage of the features of a version control system.

You can always create a private branch, but i agree, it would be better to have checkins that are queued. I've want this feature in perforce for a while.

That's very easy with GitVersionControl nowadays:

It's similarly easy to do with MercurialVersionControl or any DVCS.  Git is not the only one. -EricHopper

sudo apt-get install git

On project folder, create a repo:

git init
git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit"

Switch to a branch to work on some feature:

git checkout -b somefeature
(work work work)

When you get it working, merge and delete the branch:

git checkout master
git merge somefeature
git branch -d somefeature

If you want to loose changes:

git reset --hard HEAD

etc etc. I'm starting to use this and I really enjoy the flexibility. -Hugo

