Principles For Good Guys

last modified: November 10, 2014

Principles for Good Guys

Should the PrinciplesForGoodGuys place the good guys at risk?

Good guys wouldn't avoid own risks at the expense of others.

How long can good guys follow these principles if they are subjected to substantially increased risk?

When they aren't able to continue to follow these principles, they stop being good guys.

--> sometimes you have to break the rules to keep them from being broken.... -- IamEtoffi

Prince Myshkin from Dostoevsky's the Idiot is a "positively good man".


"The Cowboy Code"

This seems vaguely familiar. Where did it come from, Roy Rogers? Pulp westerns from the 1880s?

[15 minutes later: Silly me, there's always google:

Gene Autry�s Saturday matinee saddle pals wanted to be just like their hero. Gene responded with the Cowboy Code, sometimes known as the Cowboy Commandments. They are as relevant today as they were then.

Pretty similar to the other version above, which perhaps was typed by memory by someone who was a big Autry fan as a boy? :-) Or maybe the version I found is the fuzzy one.

See also the GoldenRule and OhSoSmartOrOhSoPleasant


a detractor of this belief is the MaleRoleBeliefSystem

Care to explain? -- BrucePennington
