President Obama

last modified: December 12, 2014

Change has arrived even here on the craggy old C2 WikiWeb.

What does PresidentObama's election mean to the future of software development? His administration is already vastly better wired than that of his TechIlliterate predecessor.

Besides his justice department hiring lots of RecordingIndustryAssociationOfAmerica lawyers? or selling out all our phone taps to the big telecoms?

America's energy, transport and financial infrastructure is in critical disrepair but PresidentObama promises a massive public works project to renew it all. He will have to PrintMoney to pay for it ... but that beats printing money for no good reason at all.

All PresidentObama's new infrastructure spending will require new ControlSystem, SecuritySystem, and ManagementSystem. What will we write them in?

And increased funding for cops catching minorities with a joint and throwing them in jail for multi-year sentences?

And let's not forget we have brand new ElectoralSystem to put in place. We've already seen something wonderful on ... but what else could be done now?

If American foreign policy is rededicated to principles of SatyaGraha, how can we extend and deepen the OpenSource movement to build on this?

What a wonderful day has dawned!

-- PeterMerel

I must have missed something. What new ElectoralSystem? And I wouldn't get quite so excited about Obama. He still hasn't actually changed anything (except perception).

To answer the questions,

-- MartinShobe

The best long-term Obamoid goal would be to strengthen democracy. The same systems Karl Rove used to steal the last 2 presidential elections can now be turned around and used to enforce voter rights. That, in turn, might lead to more education, and less people voting against their own best interests... --PhlIp
