Prepare For Next Career Now

last modified: November 5, 2014

There is a current page called ThinkTwoJobsAhead. I think it is not sufficient to do so, because in today's economic climate it is not GoodEnough. Except for a small percentage of people who can change jobs and keep the same career going, the majority may have to have multiple careers in a LifeTime. The alternative is JustGetAnyJob.

In IT, the profession is so broad that often even a job change will require retooling. The depressed market meant the employer can pick another person who already has the skills and experience, be it technical or application, for a vacancy.

So maybe it is useful to plan and work towards a totally different career, before one is forced to do so due to changing circumstances. Career change will take lot more preparatory work than a job change and requires lot more leadtime.

If anyone should think going back to school will help to sort things out, it is useful to check HowMuchDoYouLearnInSchool beforehand. Schooling does nothing to enhance PeopleSkills, and is therefore not on the CriticalItSurvivalSkills.


WhySympathizeWithTheUnemployed became a hot topic starting Feb2004. I do not know whether the creation of CategoryEmployment helped to renew interest in the page which has been around. It does demonstrate the community at large want to explore various options and solutions to this issue.

Repeat after me, students: Welcome to WalMart. Do you want fries with that?

