Pragmatic Methodologist

last modified: October 14, 2000

The PragmaticMethodologist doesn't exist. Pragmatic means a willingness to deal with things as they are, not as they should be. And when did you see that in a methodologist? (the last time I saw AlistairCockburn work)

-- PaulHudson (with tongue firmly in cheek)

See also ExtremeOxymoron, TomGilb.

To be fair, many consultants are such methodologists. They know lots of ways that work but hold their tongues until they understand the client's situation. Then they offer the one or two things that will most improve the situation and stay around long enough to make sure the ideas stick. JerryWeinberg is a good example, contract programmers probably aren't.

(Yes, they are few and far between, but) I have met a few... LarsMathiassen is one, and in general the folks of the Scandinavian tradition count in this group. --AlistairCockburn
