About XPDX
XPDX is group of IT professionals in the Portland, Oregon area that are interested in Extreme Programming and Agile software development methodologies.
Mailing List
Subscribe to the group's low-volume mailing list:
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AgilePDX -- to read the archive
- mailto:xpportland@yahoogroups.com -- to post a message
- mailto:xpportland-subscribe@yahoogroups.com -- to subscribe
Pub Lunch
Lunches are held on the first Friday of the month from 1:00pm until people leave (usually 2-3pm). Location: McMenamin's on NE Broadway (upstairs) (http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=32).
Check the mailing list to confirm the time of the next lunch. It should also be listed on http://calagator.org
These are the past & future topics:
* 2011 January -- Agile Tune-Up http://calagator.org/events/1250459616
* 2010 December -- James Shore and Arlo Belshee "Bloody Stupid Johnson" http://calagator.org/events/1250459521
* 2010 October -- Nancy Van Schooenderwoert "Transient State: From Funding to First Iteration for Embedded Teams" http://calagator.org/events/1250459307
- 2009 August -- WillemLarsen & EvanGardner: Where Are Your Keys? Fluency Game
* 2009 July -- DianaLarsen: XPDX Retrospective
2009 June -- BrianMarick: Artisanal retro-futurism crossed with team-scale anarcho-syndicalism
2009 May -- MichaelLeach: The Art of Ware-as-a-Service
2009 March -- MerlynAlberySpeyer: Ping Pong Pairing
2009 February -- ElisabethHendrickson on Acceptance Test Driven Development http://calagator.org/events/1250456634 (pizza by SolutionsIQ)
2009 January -- CoreyLadas presented Lean Thinking for Agile Process Evolution (pizza by YesMail)
2008 November -- MichaelKelley presented Agile, A Matter of Survival.
2008 October -- SolutionsIQ hosted panel on Incremental Architecture.
2008 September -- Lightning summaries, about Agile 2008.
2007 October -- JimShore presented "Testers and Agile Engineering: Bridging the Gap" (TestersAndAgilePresentationDescription)
2005 January -- AaronJohnson: Unit testing web pages and UIs in Ruby
2005 November -- Transitioning to Agile: A Panel Discussion
2005 October 11 -- Evo Panel Discussion at PNSQC, with Rose City SPIN
2005 September 13 -- ArloBelshee Meeting Topic Brainstorm (XpdxNotesSeptMmv), and Promiscuous Pairing
2005 June 14 -- Learning from Failure, Adopting and Adapting XP in Context
2005 May 10 -- JimShore: Offing the Offsite Customer
2005 April 12 -- DianaLarsen: Retrospective on the code sprint
2005 April 9-10 -- XpCodeSprint: program together, and swap techniques
2005 March 8 -- MikeClerget: Agile Government...is it possible?
2005 February 8 -- WayneAllen Pushing & Pulling Teams: An Exercise in How Things Get Done
2005 January -- ArloBelshee, MichaelLeach, WayneAllen: The future of XPDX
2004 June 8 -- ArloBelshee: The Process of Courage
2004 May 11 -- WayneAllen, IanGoodrich: XP at Work in Portland
2004 April 13 -- ArloBelshee: XP as TeamBuilding
2004 March 9 -- DianaLarsen: Manager's Role in Starting and Ending Projects: Charters and Retrospectives
2004 February 10 -- MichaelLeach: Software Craftsmanship and the Outsourcing of Software Engineering
2004 January 13 -- ArloBelshee: Modern C++ does support XP
2003 December 2 -- JimShore "XP in Context" (ArloBelshee also chatted with the other half of the group at the Riverwood Pub)
2003 November 4 -- JimShore "Continuous Design"
Many thanks to Novell for providing us with their excellent meeting space over the years.
2003 October 7 -- WayneAllen "Writing Testable Code: Where XP meets QA"
2003 September 2 -- AndrewBlack: Traits -or- ExtremeRefactoring
2003 August 5 -- Bjorn FreemanBenson YP & Urban Planning. + Genoa chat
2003 July 1 -- Agile Developer's Conference debriefing
2003 MAY 6 -- CharliePoole, cpoole@pooleconsulting.com (Seattle): NUnit and GUI testing.
2003 April 1 -- RikSmoody RealPlanning
January/February 2003 -- DianaLarsen of FutureWorks Consulting showed off Joshua Kerievsky's XP Playing Cards, AND (but wait, there's more!) handed out proofs of her XP and change commentary article for the February issue of Cutter IT journal.
December 2002 -- MichaelLeach XP: Back To Basics.
November 2002 -- KenDickey "XP Down Under" -- what it is like doing XP upside down.
October 2002 -- Framework for Integrated Test, Program: Ward Cunningham.
June, 2002 -- BrettHunsaker and JoeSwatosh describe their experiences on an XP project.
March, 2002 -- CMM and XP, program: DanSawyer and WardCunningham
February, 2002 -- Photos of an XP team in action and a demo of an extension to the NUnit test framework for automated ASP/.NET UI testing, program: AndrewBlack and BrianKnowles
November, 2001 -- "Where is the floor?" A panel debate on the place of design and frameworks in XP. Program: KenDickey/AlexGinos/BrianKnowles
September, 2001 -- What's it like to do XP upside down? Program: KenDickey
August, 2001 -- Implementing XP in a Corporate IT Shop, program: AlexGinos
July, 2001 -- Design, program: JimLittle
June, 2001 -- Pairing/Spikes, program: WardCunningham
May, 2001 -- Planning/Feedback, program: MichaelLeach
April, 2001 -- Refactoring/Ownership, program: RonBraithwaite
March, 2001 -- Testing/Integration, program: AlexGinos/BrianKnowles, host: CSG
February, 2001 -- Orientation, program: AlexGinos
Sometimes people write up their thoughts about these meetings in PortlandXpUsersGroupNotes. Please feel free, encouraged even, to add your own notes.
Places to advertise meeetings
- XPDX discussion group
- Calagator
- PJUG mailing list
- pdx.rb discussion group
- http://softwareassociationoforegon.ning.com/ SAO Social Networking site calendar
- http://upcoming.yahoo.com/group/2228/ Agile Events on Upcoming
- APLN-PDX yahoo discussion group
- OGI twice-monthly newsletter. Send the blurb to Roxanne Workman (Arlo & Merlyn have her email address).
Pizza sponsorship leads
Merlyn has contact details for these corporate sponsors:
- YesMail
- SolutionsIQ
- VersionOne
- SAO ?
Merlyn has contact details for these individual sponsors:
- Siraj
- John Wilger
Potential speaker list for this year
Potential speakers who have voluneered, but not chosen a date: Gregory Melnik, Kent Beck, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Arlo Belshee, Chris Stirling. I think one or both of Diana Larsen and Jim Shore also volunteered, but I forgot who before I started writing speaker names on index cards.
See InauguralPortlandXpUsersGroupNotes