I am a Technical Consultant at Software Engineering LLC. in Portland, Oregon (http://www.softwareengineeringllc.com/).
I have worked with a large number of language, but my two favorites are Forth and JavaScript -- very different, but similar in many respects. Buy me a beer and I'll explain. I presented my first paper on Object Oriented Programming in 1984 at the FORML conference, but much of my OOP work has been in languages that were not very object oriented, such as assembler ;)
I am currently developing apps for mobile devices, such as the iPhone, iPad, and Android, using the Appcelerator Titanium and the PhoneGap frameworks to support HTML5/CSS3/Javascript/jQuery.
You can email me at (mailto:ron@softwareengineeringllc.com) or at home (mailto:ron@braithwaites.net).