Portal Software

last modified: September 19, 2006

PortalSoftware was perceived as the NextBigThing to enhance collaboration within a company back around the turn of this century.

End of an Era - for PortalSoftware

Today, in Aug05 the last remaining significant vendor, PlumTree, is being swallowed by BEA.

One year ago, PlumTree CEO John Kunze said this about their product:

A Gartner view of PortalSoftware dated 2004 can be seen at http://portalsmag.com/print/default.asp?ArticleID=5512

Supplanted by MicrosoftWay???

It is too much of a coincident and not long after the takeover of the "struggling" PlumTree, Microsoft is making available an "experimental" PortalSoftware start.com site at http://start.com/developer/ . This SeptemberZeroFive preview use terms like "gadgets" that are identical to ones for PlumTree addons.

Microsoft MSN developer web site suggested AjaxWebApplications possibilities and wrote:

Using portal to enhance collaboration

BigBlue has this marketing paper which could be applicable to the general topic of PortalSoftware. -> http://www-5.ibm.com/ch/lotus/pdf/portal_unleasing_value_collaborative.pdf

see also WikiPortal

