Pod Wiki

last modified: July 11, 2012

PodWiki by T.Linden uses Perl POD as its markup, which is an established language for documentation in the Perl community and well known world wide. PodWiki enhances POD a little to circumvent some lacking features (such as images or includes).

Beside POD, it also understands a shorthand markup which writes like natural text and is very easy to understand for new users. If they need more features they have to use POD; for simple pages WikiShorthand is enough.

PodWiki supports includes, graphics, version control (via RCS), diffs, merge-back, user/group authentication and authorization, page property inheritance, variables, attributes and a lot more. The user can use so called "formatters" to insert plain HTML or text content, which is very useful for a stylesheet or example C code. There is also a formatter for Perl code available which makes it possible to create interactive PodWiki pages (note: for security reasons this feature is turned off by default).

The big difference from other Perl WikiEngines is that PodWiki is 100% customizable, since the whole wiki site is driven by the include feature. PodWiki always loads one page ("AutoLoad"), which includes the other stuff, such as the Header, Stylesheet, Menu, the Content-Area, Edit-Bar, Footer and so forth. This allows the user to fully modify PodWiki's look-and-feel. It is therefore possible to create sites that doesn't look like a wiki at all, for example this one: http://www.haus-burg-fehmarn.de/.

If you are using Apache with mod_perl you can speed up PodWiki. It's mod_perl compliant.

Beside all those features it is still very easy to install, no need for lots of additional Perl modules or cryptic installation procedures. Just do:

./configure && make install

The configure script understands some parameters which allows tweaking the installation such as destination path or the like.

Download and documentation: http://www.daemon.de/PodWiki

