Play Hurt Support

last modified: November 10, 2014

From PlayHurt:

I have a plea- I won't list every detail, but the short story is that a deadline is coming up, the code just reached the out of control point last week, and despite trying to get enough sleep, I'm still feeling really tired. I'm (temporarily) in ProgrammerHell and would be grateful to anyone who can place some kind words on PlayHurtSupport?. Some day it may even help you...

Don't allow somebody asking the impossible of you make you feel inadequate for not achieving it. Do the right thing, i.e. do you own very best, try to leave the project/code a bit better than you found it where possible, and try to make it easier for those around you.

You might want to have a look at a talk by KentBeck about these topics, titled "Ease at Work" - you can find it at by searching for Kent Beck.
