Pitfalls Of Object Oriented Development by Bruce Webster M&T Books, 1995 [2]
The book really is a catalog of AntiPatterns in the making. The author describes bad situations, tells you how to recognize the signs, and what you can do (and sometimes the 'what you can do' = update your resume!). I found it to be one of those books that covers a lot of those things that you don't really think about until they're there -- spelled out in front of you in black and white. I've got to buy another copy; someone borrowed it from me, then someone borrowed it from them.... a sure sign of a good book!
The title of the book suggests that it is bashing OOP, but that is not necessarily the case. It generally talks about traps that one can fall into with OO designs and how to climb out, but still be OOP. If you are looking for complaints about the paradigm itself, then try ArgumentsAgainstOop as a starting point.
Moved from WebstersConstant
- Webster's Constant
- "The number of excellent developers in a new area of technology quickly reaches a constant value, which is sustained through the period during which the technology is vital." -- BruceWebster, PitfallsOfObjectOrientedDevelopment
See AntiPattern