Peter Coad

last modified: April 3, 2004

Author of several books on OO development, including

Also currently involved with TogetherSoft, I believe

A recent announcement from him suggested he is now spending full time as President of TogetherSoft, and leaving his training and consulting duties to other associates at Object International.

Peter started Object International long ago, developing several modeling tools, culminating in the Together products. OI then morphed into TogetherSoft with Peter are the CEO & President. He is no longer CEO, instead he is Chief Strategy Officer. Object International has resurfaced since that change, and is the sponsor behind TheCoadLetter online newsletter. Also, TheCoadLetter has diversified, now having several editions.

Name pronounced like (code)

Merged from MostSeriousMistakes

Just found this nice quote from PeterCoad!

"JDH: What are the three most serious mistakes you find clients making?

PC: Three people mistakes:

And four process mistakes:


(from -- AlistairCockburn

Verrrry Interesting! XP has features to avoid all of these "mistakes" except the ChiefArchitect one. Of course, at any moment, someone may be leading the design, but an XP [core design] team definitely has no chief. I'd like to interrogate Peter on that one. --RonJeffries

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