Software professional working in StockholmSweden. Inspired by ExtremeProgramming (and other AgileMethodologies), PragmaticProgrammer, BusinessComponentApproach
Current areas of interest:
- Requirement Engineering
- Cognitive Science
- Reasons why software projects fail
Books I like:
- Writing Effective Use Cases
- The Pragmatic Programmer
- Refactoring
- Business Component Factory
- The Design of Everyday Things
- A whack on the side of the head - how to become more creative
- Extreme Programming
Pages I've started:
Wiki links I recommend, or just want to remember:
WWW links I recommend:
- (primary source for news regarding J2EE / .NET)
- (DBA How-To)
- (Java How-To)
- (Java performance tuning)
- (Testing, QA, Requirements)
- (logic and argumentation)
- (logic and argumentation)
Tools I recommend:
- BeanShell (tool for scripting java objects with java syntax, but when to use???)
- JakartaAnt (tool for automating the build process)
- CheckStyle (tool for checking coding conventions)
- JiveLint (tool for checking bad coding)
- JUnit (testing framework)
- P6Spy (fake jdbc driver enables logging of sql)
- JESS (java rule engine)
- XDoclet (tool for easier ejb development)
- JBoss (open source ejb server)
- MySql (open source db server)
- Torque (open source o/r mapping)
- JMeter (loadtesting tool, open source)
- AraxisMerge (difftool, can do 3-way merge)
- Eclipse (open source java ide, very very good!!)
- Macker [] (tool for checking that architectural rules are being followed)
People I don't know, but writes some interesting stuff here on the wiki or in books:
- JohnDaniels
- JoshuaKerievsky
- AlanWills
- KrisJohnson
- NatPryce
- KyleBrown
- MartinFowler
- AlistairCockburn
- KentBeck
- RonJeffries
- more to come