- Is having a computing in your wall, in your watch, in your light bulb, in your shirt, in your sandwich, ... , in you.
- PervasiveComputing is likely to replace the desktop paradigm of computer systems (and their massive operating systems), at least in the broad application base they are used now. I would love to see people no longer slaved to a machine to do work, but computers slaved to how people work.
What do you envision pervasive computing doing?:
- where do you want to stick your computer today?
- The obvious choice is access the Internet wherever, whenever you want.
- WearableComputing
- PervasiveWikiing
- MassivelyParallelComputer (enabling EmbarrassinglyParallel computations)
- Making humans even more dependent on MagicTechnology
- HomeOfTheFuture
- Real-time global TelePresence: be anywhere you want to be from the comfort of your own home, or anywhere else.
- Video-enabled clothing; that is, clothing with moving pictures. How tacky!
- Auto-navigating vehicles
- Artificially intelligent toasters. "Would you like some toast?''
- WearableComputing
- PervasiveWikiing
- MassivelyParallelComputer (enabling EmbarrassinglyParallel computations)
- Making humans even more dependent on MagicTechnology
- Real-time global TelePresence: be anywhere you want to be from the comfort of your own home, or anywhere else.
- Video-enabled clothing; that is, clothing with moving pictures. How tacky!
- Auto-navigation
- Artificially intelligent toasters. "Would you like some toast?''
- Fears
- BigBrother acometh. PervasiveComputing means pervasive surveillance.
- One scenario: Products that are required to have labels indicating contents are allowed to shift to using an embedded webserver accessible via BlueTooth, this becomes economically feasible once the cost of the webserver drops to that of printing a label.
- Readers would be EveryWare.
- The label will change depending upon who YOU are. Advertisers will gobble this stuff up.
- Of course they will, it will let them use the entire surface of the package for yummy "Buy ME!" graphics. Of course, in some places, some of the information content is mandated by law, and where it's not it usually makes sense to just include it anyway. On rethinking , it probably wont' work until readers are something you can just grab off a stack at the front of the store and take home with you. -- LarryPrice
- I wonder what ElectronicPaper will do to packaging.
- So, the new thing is to make everything viewable via the browser ** Anything with a processor and a GUI will have a browser. Bizarre. I can't image reading hypertext on my car's dashboard, but there you go. How would you click? Car stereo? Speak! I am at your service.
- No from your central LCD in your car (as already exists in newer models that provides GPS, Email, News etc), your HandHeld or remotely from a desktop. Each device does not have to have it's own LCD, just be a mini server with a protocol that allows it to be queried from a station that does (whether that be with an http browser, Java Swing or whatever. Your car computer already makes hundreds of variables available if you want to see them. See AutomobileHacking
- Wouldn't it make more sense for cars to talk instead of displaying everything? When I need directions, I don't have to be looking at a map; I want the car to *tell* me "make this left, then go over the train tracks..." When it's low on gas, I want it to tell me "you're going to have to get gas either today or tomorrow" (based on recent/habitual usage rates)
- Display Paint will be a NanoTechnology paint that can act as a display. Paint your wall! Your car! Your dog! Display Paint is completely non-toxic.
- Complements PervasiveComputing
- As information is increasingly available from myriad devices, servers, locations everywhere (even events and attributes associated with GPS coordinates), small, wireless, wearable devices will make it easier to deal with the information by correlating it with your field of view depending on where you are and direction you are looking.
Extreme Location Based Services
- It would not necessarily present all available information at once but summarize it allowing you to query and drill down based on desire and need to know.
- http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0006378C-CDE1-1CC6-B4A8809EC588EEDF. Eye displays are growings ever smaller see http://www.microoptical.net/Products/HomePage.html.