Perspective Wall

last modified: June 14, 2005

A technique for viewing and navigating large, linearly-structured information, allowing the viewer to focus on a particular area while still maintaining some degree of location or context.

See (download first)

Nice VRML demo at (If anyone knows of some software for this please let me know! -- JonSchull)

1/4/2005 The Visualization and Usability Group (VUG) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) seems to have latched onto the Cosmo Player in its last published form at while W3C's X3D initiative sorts itself out. I was able to view the PerspectiveWall example in IE 6.x on Windows XP, but still have found no joy with Mozilla using the posted instructions. The Parallel Graphics Cortona viewer ( seems to be around still, and the old Blaxun Contact plug-in ( looks like it is closely tracking X3D, although I haven't tried either one yet. -- CarlCornwell
