Personal Information Management

last modified: August 28, 2014

is something that you can do with tools like

Question: What to choose?

There are so many tools for managing information, but no single one is perfect. I've been using TreePad in the past, partially moved to FreeMind, tried using OneNote for ideas capture, used NoteStudio successfully as well as a plethora of specialised applications, but I am still unsure about what is the best primary PIM.

For example, where should I store the lists of books, movies, games, etc. that I want to read/see/play or has already read/seen/played? Should I use FreeMind foldable hierarchy, a bunch of Wiki pages, a specialised list application (such as ListPro), a combination of these tools or something else entirely?

What about bookmarks? Should I rely on their implementation in Opera, online bookmarks at Spurl/ or use an external application such as FreeMind or a Wiki?

When using a GTD should I use a Wiki or internal Palm applications?

For general storage of mixed information from different sources what would be better - FreeMind, a wiki or something else?


