The vision for Perl 6 is more than simply a rewrite of Perl 5. By separating the parsing from the compilation and the runtime, we're opening the doors for multiple languages to cooperate. You'll be able to write your program in Perl 6, Perl 5, TCL, Python, or any other language that there's a parser written for. Interchangable runtime engines let you interpret your bytecode or convert it to something else (e.g., Java, C, or even back to Perl). --
- Synopses
- List Summaries
- Planet Perl 6, a collection of blogs related to Perl 6
- A PerlSix implementation running on the Parrot virtual machine
- An Alpha of PerlSix in HaskellLanguage
- See also ParrotCode
- GivenWhen, a statement that other languages should rush to take in in my opinion. --AnonymousDonor.