Perfect Program

last modified: September 30, 2009

A perfect program meets all of its requirements, has no excesses and no errors. Lots of people like to claim that there is no such thing. That statement is false, as are most absolutes.

Remember problem number one in beginning programming: Hello world.

-- hello.c --

#include <stdio.h>

main(int N, char ** S)
   printf("Hello world.\n") ;
   return 0 ;

Most students were able to type in this example and get it working in a few tries.

This reminds me that with clear enough requirements, and a simple enough problem, an error free solution is attainable. Perhaps that is why I like to break down my problems until they are almost trivial. (And also why I like to tilt at windmills, like 60,000 line ASP pages.)

-- DerekWoolverton

