I write code by myself, implement features that aren't needed right away, and think VI is still a pretty good editor. Someday if I finished raising my children, I'd write the next generation editor that knows the syntax of what its writing.
I consider myself a pretty good programmer, software designer, and system architect. When I'm employed, I'm usually alienating PHBs by refactoring mercilessly; otherwise I'm educating myself on new and better things or doing my favorite form of programming: the startup.
Can't remember how I got here, since that was 2001 during the great dotCom "vacation". It was either something to do with RubyLanguage, DesignPatterns or ThePragmaticProgrammer. Unfortunately I've not had the opportunity to do much with Ruby, I'm still mostly thinking in CeePlusPlus or building large structures in PerlLanguage or becoming more and more dangerous with JavaScript. I've been known to hide data in MySql or even SqLite, but would really like to get better at NoSql for better scaling.
I've done a zillion startups, and worked for a few established companies, like Xerox. I tend to do better with small companies, and am currently helping save the world at SouthwestWindpower.
The best way to reach me is by email at jdwoolverton at gmail, or if you're in Flagstaff, AZ - try to find a map with YX Ranch Road on it. (I'm the first house on the left.)
And back when I had more time on my hands I was blogging at: http://dwoolstar.blogspot.com/