<=> http://Google.com/search?q=PaypalStorefrontWiki
The author didn't find a Wiki, that allows each wikizen to add a http://storefront.paypallabs.com/authenticate/review (PaypalStorefront Plugin) (at least) on their WikiHomepages. Although the Social Community MySpace allows it to install it on profile pages, it appears not yet to be realized on any Wiki in the Web.
As in Meatball there are a lot of savvy Wiki providers, it should be a snap to provide one. ( Hey we are in the age of WikiNomics and it becomes high noon, to catch up the train, (not only) pondering about the opportunities ).
== Conversation ==
FridemarPache: It would make me very happy to apply this storefront on SocialDomaining as a networked project, spanning WardsWiki, MeatballWiki, AboutusOrg and NamePros. The Domain Names to be sold would be stored as single items in the inventory, being linked to AboutusOrg pages, offered in NamePros and relinked to the PaypalStorefrontWiki. The following process of Registrar transfer and post sales service would be made transparent as OpenBusiness or even ExtremeOpenBusiness transactions.
An alternative already shows up as: http://code.google.com/p/google-checkout-java-sdk/source/browse/wiki/Storefront.wiki
<=> http://fridemar.amplify.com/2009/04/13/, Meatball